GOD AS MOTHER : Essence of Devi Mahatmyam-1. SRI SWAMI CHIDANANDA

======================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07/10/2019 Essence of Devi Mahatmyam-1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It begins this way. A king of the Surya Vamsa to which Lord Rama also belonged, named Suratha, is overcome and overwhelmed by his foes, who compel him to flee his kingdom. He takes shelter in a forest. He is deeply afflicted and dejected, deprived of all his wealth and retinue; and he is wandering forlorn, destitute of everything, in a very wretched condition. His mind again and again goes back to the bitter fate which he has suffered. Thinks of his kingdom, his wealth, his ministers and the way in which the kingdom is likely to be governed under the new rulers. While he is in this state of mind, he happens to come to the v...