GOD AS MOTHER : Essence of Devi Mahatmyam-3. SRI SWAMI CHIDANANDA

======================================================================== ======================================================================= 27/12/2019. 3.Maya and Brahman Are One ======================================================================= ======================================================================== 3.1 #This exposition of the Devi Tattva goes to explain to us how the Supreme Shakti is all in all. It tells us that whatever we see, whatever we perceive in this phenomenal universe before us, is nothing but the outcome of this supreme power of the Para Brahman, viz. the primal force. *She is called the Adi-Shakti. *She is also known as the transcendental power—Para-Shakti. *She is known as the superlative, the great power—Maha-Shakti. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 #What exactly is the relationship between this great-Divine Power and t...