GOD AS MOTHER : Essence of Devi Mahatmyam-7.2. & 7-3. SRI SWAMI CHIDANANDA.

---------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, September 27, 2020. 7.The Puzzling Kali-2. 8. Destroys to Save - 1. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I shall first start by giving a very up-to-date and modern, and therefore, easily graspable analogy. We have the modern antibiotics the various mycins and also Penicillin. They are called the life-savers of the modern age and millions of people look upon them with feelings of gratitude. But though these life-saving drugs which are benign and cure disease, are the benefactors of humanity, I shall show how they may be also regarded to be terrible and destructive. They are destructive to the germs which they attack in the system and destroy. You get infected; your body is filled with germs; they cause disease. You take penicillin and it goes and destroys all the germs; and by thus annihilating and destroying these germs, the disease is removed and you become well. Would it b...