GOD AS MOTHER : Essence of Devi Mahatmyam-12. SRI SWAMI CHIDANANDA.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, September 9, 2021. 6:55. AM. 12. Sacrifice the Beast in You. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sacrifice the Beast in You : The Sadhak’s task is, therefore, to first and foremost entirely eradicate all that is gross, all that is animalistic, brutal and beastly in his nature. These qualities have to be thoroughly overhauled and taken out of his nature. After this process is done, the transformation of the human nature has to be taken in hand and it has to be sublimated, and transformed into a higher divine nature. It is recisely this study of man as a composite being containing the lower animalistic nature and then the human nature endowed with discrimination, consciousness of higher ideals of a noble divine purpose of this human birth upon this earth, and the ...