God as Mother : 17. Sri Swami Chidananda.

============================================================== ============================================================ Monday, April 18, 2022. 6:00. AM. Essence of Devi Mahatmyam 17.The Sadhak’s Attitude to Lakshmi ============================================================= Thus it is that to the devout Hindu the aspect of the Motherhood as a material power, a power which sustains life upon this physical world is an important aspect of divinity in so far as his material life is concerned and here we have to note that the Hindu shows himself as a sane realist. He realises and accepts the importance and value of the divine power as it is manifest upon the material world in the form of these helpful factors that go to sustain and preserve life for him upon earth in a prosperous and happy state. While we thus recognise his realistic attitude towards the good things of this world, here it will be interesting to note that the Eternal Quest for the Absolute...