God as Mother : 20. Sri Swami Chidananda.

======================================================================== ========================================================================= Saturday, August 13, 2022. 07:40. Essence of Devi Mahatmyam ========================================================================= FIFTH NIGHT - 20. A Stern Warning. ======================================================================= 20. A Stern Warning : Similarly, in the individual’s spiritual life, however much it may be true in the ultimate reaches of realisation that he is not this physical body, he is Pure Atman which is beyond body and mind, yet we find that if the aspirant is foolish enough to start with this basis in his life of practical spiritual Sadhana he will come to grief very soon. For the law of this physical world is very exacting and a transgression in this law will at once claim its price. Thus, if one flies away into a Vedantic attitude and neglects his physical body and does not care to mai...