======================================================================= ======================================================================= Saturday, October 01, 2022. 07:30. SIXTH NIGHT GODDESS OF AUSPICIOUSNESS AT HOME AND AT HEART ======================================================================== Divine Mother who is the one Power that sustains the universe. She is the source of Power manifest in and through the various names and forms. Salutations again and again to Her who manifests within our hearts as aspiration, as Sadhana-Shakti and preserves our Yoga and who ultimately manifests Herself as Pure Knowledge in our consciousness and illuminates our entire being. Today we come to the third sacred day of worship of the Divine Mother in Her aspect of Sri Lakshmi or Vishnu Shakti or Narayani. On this sixth day of the Navaratra Worship ours is the rare blessing and good fortune to dwell upon the Goddess Lakshmi as She manifests to the individual in the intimate sphere o...