GOD AS MOTHER : Essence of Devi Mahatmyam-4. SRI SWAMI CHIDANANDA




4.Maya and Brahman Are One



#There is no indication to give us an idea that it contains within itself this marvelous power. But the moment this self-same electric current is made to spring into dynamism through a system of wiring through a circuit, we find this static force springs into a wonderful dynamism.

##It travels with lightning speed; it is able to give a shock; or to make an electric bulb spring into incandescence and manifest as light; it manifests itself as the whirling motion in a fan; it manifests itself as freezing cold within the refrigerator and as abnormal power of heat in an electric heater; it is able to burn things; it manifests as sound in an electric siren—this power which is held in a static form within a battery becomes manifest as light, motion, heat, cold, sound and any number of aspects manifest and tangible and perceivable through the senses.

###Even so the Supreme Power in its transcendental motionless static aspect known as the Para Brahman is nameless, formless, unmanifest and the self-same supreme power when it springs into manifestation, into creativity, is projected as names and forms, into countless dynamic forces which pervade the entire phenomenal world.

*Mother is electricity, the brightness of the sun, the depth of the ocean, movement in the hand, the smell and fragrance in flowers, the musical note in sound, everything in this universe, invisible as well as visible, all motion, all force, all movements; and She is present in the human being as intelligence, as mind, as Vrittis, as emotions—everything that we perceive in this world either within the individual or without in the forces of nature.

**She is the very life of the universe. She is the very source, the sustainer and ultimate dissolver of the universe. Sarvam Shaktimayam Jagat; this is the ultimate truth. Whatever there is in the universe from the grossest thing to the subtlest, the least to the greatest—everything is the variegated manifestation of the Supreme Mother Herself, the Transcendental Power of the Supreme Being.

***It is this cosmic Power who appears as all names and forms, who is the very source of all embodiment, of all manifestation. It is on account of the Mother that manifestation is made possible.

#It is this Supreme Force that we worship during the nine days through the medium of certain forms. This great power of all powers is conceived of by the devout worshiper in certain distinct aspects—in her three aspects as Mahakali or Durga, Mahalakshmi and as Mahasaraswati. 

##The nine-day worship is divided into three groups of three days each—

*the first three days we worship the Mother as manifest in and through the form of Mahakali or Durga. 

**During the second group of three days we worship the Divine Mother as manifest in and through our conception of the form of Mahalakshmi. 

***And during the last three days we worship Her in and through the form of Mahasaraswati. 

###This particular order of the worship has got a very deep and very vital meaning, about which we shall refer during the subsequent days.

NAMO NAMA  again and again to the blessed divine mother, the Supreme Inscrutable Power, the mysterious Achintya Shakti of para Brahman. 

NAMO NAMA to the great Devi who is the source of all manifestation and embodiment. 

NAMO NAMA  to the great Divine Power, Divya Shakti, from whom have flowed forth all the countless, innumerable universes, in whom all manifestations have their being and into whom all names and forms dissolve and vanish, and through whom all beings attain their eternal union with the great reality, the Supreme Transcendental Being, Para Brahmam.
To be continued ...



  1. My pranama to you very nice post on devi... 🙏 Very nice blog..


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